If you don't currently subscribe to Edudemic, be sure to check it out the link in the sidebar. They are an educational technology blog that has multiple posts a day. They also have a free magazine available for the iPad, and can be followed on Twitter. Now for the reason why I began this post.
While reading today's Edudemic feed I was intrigued by a particular post: How Technology is Empowering Learners. What similar situations have you experienced? If you haven't yet experienced something like this, what could you do in your teaching practice to create experiences like these for your students?
I haven't had an experience quite like this. One time I had a student (before iPads came out) who had difficulty with writing and my supervisor gave me an Alphasmart (a small computer that only lets someone write and save files). It worked well for the student because the fine motor task of using a pencil was eliminated but it still required typing and finding the keys. It wasn't an earth shattering change for him but it did increase his motivation in writing.
I feel that as a special educator I should especially be a person who is finding these moments and these types of ways to help students. In the past two years I have done some work and explorations with technology but it is nothing too significant. I can tell that my ultimate goal out of this course is going to be in finding more ways to support my students in their academic growth. While I'm reading, responding to people, and just from thinking about our first class I'm reflecting on if these are things I can implement and how.
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