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21st Century Lesson: Industrial Revolution

21st Century Lesson http://ctehs.blogspot.com/?m=0

This is a lesson which I have not yet taught but look forward to teaching in the next few weeks.
 In this lesson students analyze various primary source photos of the Industrial Revolution by blogging their responses on the class blog site. This lesson addresses NETS Student Standard #2 "Communication and Collaboration" A. Interact, collaborate and publish with peers. This lesson also addresses CT Social Studies Framework Standards 2.2 "Interpret information from a variety of primary and secondary sources including images" and 2.3 "Create various forms of written work, including blogs, to demonstrate an understanding of history and social studies issues". I feel that the design of this lesson fits with both technology and CT social studies standards very well as the lesson combines the use of a blog with the interpretation of primary source photographs. Students are encouraged to share an emotional response about the image as well as explain the insight the image provides into the historical time period.

I believe this lesson is a high engagement activity since all students will be forming their own blog post and responding to a number of student posts throughout the course of the lesson. Students will also be engaged in practicing all four 21st Century skills. Communication will occur as students post on the blog, read other student's posts, and respond effectively to the posts. Critical Thinking will occur as students analyze the various photos and think about how the image relates to the time period and makes them feel. Students are collaborating through their interactions as they comment about each others photos, which I envision will help students improve their analysis skills as they consider comments posted by classmates. Students have the opportunity to be creative as they complete part two of the assignment when they post an image of the Industrial Revolution which they have found. In addition students will create a question about the image which they would like students to respond to.

I think this lesson is an ideal use of technology while practicing important 21st Century social studies skills. I based this lesson on one I used in class in which students analyzed images on their own and then participated in a class discussion sharing their findings. I am anxious to see the impact which the blog will have on student learning. I think it will certainly change this lesson for the better since all students will have the opportunity to discuss images and students who normally do not participate often in class may feel more comfortable sharing using the blog format. I feel that this lesson strengthens the curriculum and through increased student engagement will result in higher levels of student performance. While designing this lesson I learned that social studies skills and 21st Century skills go together very nicely. especially when integrating technology. This lesson provides students with many learning opportunities and the ability to practice the essential social studies skills of analysis and responding effectively while communicating with peers.

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