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21st Century Lesson Revised -Limiting Factors Project-

21st Century Skills & Standards (Up-Date)

1.    Collaboration: Students were encouraged to work on this project with a partner. The rubric they were given also emphasized that both partners must participate in the creation and presentation to the class. Another student must run their PowerPoint or Prezi if they choose to present their information using either of those programs.
2.    Creativity: Students were not limited to using Prezi or PowerPoint- although all of them chose to present their information using one of those 2 formats. The rubric used for grading suggested the possibility of using another format such as an Info-graphic or podcast.
3.    Critical Thinking: The information that they present in their project is not directly available and must be created by them. They (collaboration) had to research the organism and determine how an organism’s physical, chemical and behavior characteristics can develop into an adaptation. They will present that to the class in way that demonstrates understanding of how a limiting factor or an adaptation effects a population as a whole.  While the characteristics of an organism are usually easy to find, the factors that limit a population’s success over time requires analysis. Some limiting factors are even beneficial to a population in the long run.
4.    Communication:  I demonstrate and teach the basic principles of  being an effective presenter- someone who communicates with their audience.  Before they present, I model the presentations of 2 or 3 projects from previous years. I show them the difference between a concise presentation and one that has so much text in it that it doesn't communicate the message that they want to convey. I then encourage them to comment on a presentation that has an enticing image and only enough text to support 2 or 3 specific points about the image. I then demonstrate how the presenter is the one who needs to engage the audience to create questions and interest. I review the importance of eye contact and speaking with conviction and enough volume to communicate effectively.
Students were totally engaged and excited by this project.  Many commented on how no one had ever taught them how to effectively present before. They completed a reflection piece that I found very interesting to read. I also asked them to include any suggestions on how we could improve the project. The most common suggestion was to have more time to work on the project. This project also allowed students to work at their own level and progress at their own pace.

This project supports  LS4.C   Adaptation    9-12   From the NGSS

Natural selection results from genetic variation of individuals in a species, competition for resources, and proliferation of organisms better able to survive and reproduce; Adaptation means that the distribution of traits in a population, as well as species expansion, emergence or extinction, can change when conditions change

Connie Baker

Glogster Project Introduction

Reflection & Analysis of Project

This digital lesson in Biology meets the needs of 21st century learners in the following ways:

1.)   Students will be collaborating and communicating in choosing what organism they will research.
2.)   They will use critical thinking skills in the research and analysis of the information they find on their organism.
3.)   They will create a presentation that shows the limiting factors and adaptations of their chosen organism.  
4.)   They will communicate with each other in the creation of the presentation.
5.)   They will then communicate with the rest of the class during the actual presentation.
6.) Students will communicate by sharing their journal entries in small groups after their presentations are finished.

This project created a great deal of student excitement and interest. They were very engaged during the research aspects and attentive and considerate to each other during the presentations.  Since this project was introduced on the third day of the semester, I think it helped to establish a feeling of collaboration among the students and me.
Using references on the internet gave them access to many more ideas and points of view than the libraries books and journals would of. 
My students were also excited to see how I used Glogster to present the project. The video and pictures got them thinking about the projects many possibilities.  They are looking forward to creating a new project using it on their own. 

Introduction to Digital Lesson -21st Century Skills -Limiting Factors Project:  1/30/13

 Students were asked to choose a species and then research two of their most important limiting factors either with a partner or on their own and analyze the effect of those limiting factors on the population to demonstrate their ability to critically think.  They used the Internet and part of 3 class periods to do this.   Students were also required to research two adaptations that their organism possessed that made them especially well suited for their environment. Students were encouraged to present their information to their colleagues using technology in different ways. Most students chose to use Power Point or Prezi while one group said that they would also make a video.  Students will be journaling or blogging about the success of the project and how it or their presentation could be improved.
To support this assignment and provide an exemplar for future assignments I have created a Poster Type Blog on Glogster.  We will be recording the presentations and posting them on this site for future students.

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