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Digital Portfolio

I knew exactly what I wanted to create for my digital portfolio… a classroom Weebly webpage! Here is the link for my page, http://mrsmitchellslittlesunshines.weebly.com/

I created and continue to maintain a digital portfolio using a Web 2.0 tool that supports and encourages 21st century learning. This is a work in progress and I continue to change and update on a daily basis.

I have included digitally rich material that demonstrates my understanding of the 21st century skills, digital citizenship, and best teaching practice. I wanted to have a place where parents can go and see what their child is doing in the classroom. My webpage is a place where they can see pictures of their child using technology, learning and being creative. First grade includes so many “firsts” in fact this is the first time most students attend school for a full day. This is the first time most of them complete math problems and this is the first time they read a book independently. First grade teachers expect so much more than what they do in kindergarten. We use a lot of strategies and approaches that need to be taught to students. This is why I thought it would be helpful for parents to have a better idea of what we do in first grade. I included a section for curriculum so the parents can see what we are working on in each subject area. I took each part of the curriculum and broke it down. I will update this monthly so the parents can see what their child will be learning.

I've included monthly updates on important upcoming events, information, our specials schedule, a district calendar and photos of exciting events in our classroom. One of my goals is to have the students blog on the webpage about open ended questions or questions about a non-fiction text that we’re reading that week. . I am a partner in every child’s education and in order to see that this happens I need to make sure the lines of communication are open. Together parents and teachers need to work together to provide a supportive and positive educational experience that is why I created this webpage.

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Ann St.Laurent said...

I really like your website and it just made me think that I could have some of my students create a website for our team with information for parents, other students, and other teams. The teachers, myself and my 2 teammates could supervise this activity for students that do not need additional tier 1 intervention. Thanks!

Emily Ewers said...

Really great website Heather! If I were a parent I would love this!

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