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The application I used for my digital portfolio was pinterest. The link is as follows- http://pinterest.com/cassiewlsnc1/

I found pinterest very user friendly. There are multiple features, however I primarily used this application for organization. I now teach a learning center for grades 10/11 - with a primary focus on transition. I was able to use pinterest to create boards with different categories- both for myself as well as my students. I often work at home, from school, on my phone... therefore it can be challenging to link to all of the needed websites for my job. I created a place where I can access all of the sites for IEP direct (the system we use in Manchester for writing IEPs), as well as my grading system- for my use. I also pinned boards in the areas of graphic organizers- to help my students organize their thoughts, learning inventory- where students are able to click the board -this brings them directly to a questionaire where they answer questions and find out what type of learner they are- auditory/visual excetera. I was able to pin interest inventory assessments- where students again click the board and it takes them to a page where they answer several questions- at the end of the inventory it provides students with different jobs/careers that might "fit" the students personality/likes/intersts. As well as several other boards that have come in handy the last two weeks. Pinterest has served as a great tool to help me organization, and is easy for both students as well as myself to use. It supports 21st century learning as it encourages students to be creative, and try out their new ideas in the format of graphic organizers, and allows students to collaborate with me-digitally as to their interests- so that I can further help facilitate in their transition needs. I use the information and work directly with our career center in communicating students needs and interests so that they are able to find a tech school/community college/4yr college/job that meets the needs and interests of my students. I currently use Pinterest every time I teach learning center- as it allows me to work one on one with students that need immediate attention, and allows other students to use their device to explore different career avenues. Overall I really enjoyed creating my Pinterest account, and plan to continue adding to it- especially if I begin teaching English again next year.

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